Why grow your own? - References



The Supply of Food






Please note that we are not responsible for the content of external links.


We are not supporting the content of the article links but consider that they make useful background reading for people to start research and come to their own conclusions.


Climate Change

The Times on climate change on Mars


Grain Production

New Scientist on grain production and UG99 (3.4.07)



Independent on strawberries (14.2.07)

BBC on strawberries from Spain (16.3.07)


Bees and pollination

wildchicken on wildlife gardening for bees


Guerilla News Network with interesting discussion on what is happening with bees (lots of references) (2.5.07)


De Spiegel on disappearing bees (22.3.07)

Telegraph on bees and fruit crops (31.3.07)

Guardian on bees (12.4.07)

Independent on bee problems (15.4.07)

Telegraph on disappearing bees (16.4.07)

Guardian on helping bumblebees (20.4.07)

BBC on disappearing honey bees (24.4.07)


Bumblebee Conservation Trust

The biology of the honeybee


Farmer's Markets

Find a Farmer's Market near you.


Food Security

Telegraph on Biofuels & food shortages (19.4.07)

Dig for victory during WWII (19.2.07)


Food miles

DEFRA executive summary on Food Miles (July 2005 PDF)

DEFRA website on food miles


Garden grabbers

Find out about garden grabbing


The Supply of Food




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