Garden Articles List


Gardening with children


Gardening with children - Tips for encouraging children to be gardeners


Wildlife gardening for children:


- Helping birds in the garden


- Frogs in the garden


- Gardens for ladybirds


- Gardens for hoverflies


- Bees in the garden


- Gardens for butterflies


- Mammals in the garden


- Spiders in the garden


Check your bonfire for hedgehogs before Bonfire Night!


Propagation, planting and plant care


Garden Plant Information - Alphabetical list


Planting a bare root tree


Softwood cuttings


How to take Semi-ripe cuttings


How to Propagate bulbs


Air layering - a practical guide


Planting hanging baskets - part 1


Planting hanging baskets - part 2


Shrub care in winter - includes a list of shrubs that will benefit from winter protection



Growing your own vegetables


Vegetables you can sow in late summer


Growing Oca (Oxalis tuberosa) in the UK


Growing potatoes in containers


Growing potatoes for Christmas dinner


My first experience of growing tomatoes


Parasitic wasps in the vegetable garden - beneficial wasps in the garden and how to tell if you've got them


Grow your own vegetables - About the project


The Supply of Food


Kitchen Garden Journal




A Chinese puzzle solved - Pilea peperomioides


Plant blindness - why do some people not see plants?


Botanical words and definitions


Understanding botanical names


Trialling the digging Spork





Recipes - preserving the harvest


Some notes on recipe quantities and conversions


Making Kimchi with cabbage and courgettes - dealing with a glut from the garden.


Chilli sauce recipe - making chilli sauce, a new pleasure.


Tomato and chilli relish



Seed saving


Collecting, drying and storing seed


Saving tomato seeds

Gardening Projects

Composting Toilet Project


Building a composting toilet - videos


Building a Straw Bale Composting Toilet


Straw Bale Composting Toilet - Straw Bale Walls


Straw Bale Compost Toilet - Preparing to Thatch the Roof


Straw Bale Composting Toilet - Thatching the Roof


Composting Toilet - Compost Toilet Box & Ready to Use




Growing for showing


This is an article by Digger Evans that explores some of the ins and outs of growing vegetables for the show bench


Growing blanch leeks for the show bench




General garden subjects


Using salvage in the garden - 15 ideas for using 'junk'


A bit about the garden and how it's developed


Finding a garden specialist




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More garden information:




© Copyright wildchicken 2004 - 2014

No content may be reproduced without permission.


Published: 05-02-2005

Updated:   01-07-2014