Mahonia x media ‘Charity’ (also called Lily of the valley bush and Oregon grape)
x media
Upright evergreen shrub with spiky holly-like leaves, grown for sprays of fragrant yellow flowers that open in autumn and winter. Makes a good architectural shrub and is also effective in a woodland setting, when it brightens dim corners after more short-lived plants have died down. Flowers are attractive to insects, and the berries are eaten by birds.
Scented yellow flowers in winter, leaves all year round.
Leaves pinnate, very spiky. Usually 9 pairs of shiny, evergreen, opposite leaflets, slightly angled from the stem creating tiered appearance. H: 5m S: 4m
Stem brown and woody.
Sprays of fragrant yellow flowers open in winter.
Blue-black berries follow flowers.
Can be grown in sun but does well in shade and under trees.
Well-drained/light, Dry, Moist.
Fully hardy.
Remove top of stem in May to encourage bushy habit and cut back suckers and any dead wood at the same time. Wear thick gloves as this plant has sharp spikes on the leaves.
Hardwood cuttings in autumn and winter. Seeds are fertile and can be grown, but variation will occur.
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