Sarcococca confusa (also called sweet box and Christmas box)
Evergreen shrub grown for fragrant winter flowers and glossy foliage. To appreciate the sweet scent of the flowers plant where the perfume will gather - near windows and doorways. This plant is reputed to tolerate pollution, dry shade and neglect. Low maintenance.
All year round. Flowers in winter followed by spherical fruits.
Dense, bushy habit. H: up to 2m, S: up to 1m.
Leaves – simple, lanceolate, dark green, glossy.
Stem – smooth, round, mid-green.
Flowers – small, creamy, grow from leaf axils in loose bunches, opening into slightly untidy narrow-petalled flowers, intensely perfumed. Flowers are followed by spherical, glossy, black berries.
Partial to deep shade. Plant in moist soil if in full sun.
Moderately fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil.
After flowering, trim back to keep the desired shape and apply a mulch of well rotted compost.
Generally pest and disease free.
By semi-ripe cuttings in summer.
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