Pyracantha ‘Soleil d’Or’ (also called firethorn)
‘Soleil d’Or’
Upright, evergreen spiny shrub. Attractive to birds and insects. H: to 3m, S: 2.5m
Small white flowers in summer, rich yellow berries in autumn.
Upright, dense, arching branches.
Oval, glossy, mid-green leaves.
Older growth dark brown with a slight purplish tinge. Hard, round, sharp spines, up to 3cm long emerge from stem.
Clusters of small white 5-petalled flowers in summer. bunches of spherical gold-yellow berries in autumn.
Sheltered in sun or partial shade. Best grown against a wall, with support.
Well drained.
Train and cut back long shoots after flowering to produce compact habit. Wear long sleeves and thick gloves as spines are very sharp.
Semi-ripe cuttings in summer. Will also self seed.
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