Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' (also called Japanese anemone)
x hybrida
'Honorine Jobert'
Herbaceous perennial grown for profuse number of white flowers. Attractive to bees.
White flowers in late summer and autumn.
Habit - upright. H: 1.5m S: 1.5m+
Stems - round, dark green, firm.
Leaves - up to 15cm across, divided, dark green, serrated edges.
Flowers - not true petals, but tepals - between seven and 10 of them. Tepals are white with pinking shading underneath, stamens are yellow and centres are greenish-yellow.
Full sun to partial shade.
Moist, fertile, humus-rich.
Fully hardy.
May be invasive in some gardens and will need lifting and dividing to stop it spreading too much.
Lift and divide in spring.
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