Salvia officinalis 'Icterina' (also called golden sage)
Low-growing, evergreen, shrubby herb with scented variegated leaves. Useful for sunny borders and adds colour to herb gardens. Can be used in cooking. Attracts wildlife.
In leaf all year round.
Habit - short, fairly closely growing, forms a mound. H: up to 80cm S: 1m
Stems - pale green, sometimes with a tinge of pink, square.
Leaves - opposite, mid-green with yellow-splashed edges, grey-green leaf stem. Texture is soft and felt-like.
Flowers - occasionally produces small spikes of lilac -blue flowers.
Full sun to partial shade, though colours will be brighter in full sun.
Light, well-drained.
Frost hardy.
Prune lightly after flowering and gather leaves regularly to encourage new growth.
By cuttings, with a heel, taken from early summer to mid autumn. Plants can also be layered, in spring or autumn by mounding soil over the plant and waiting for the stems to root into it. These can be removed and potted up within about six months.
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