NB - the leaves in the background are of Fuschia, not Zaluzianskya.
Zaluzianskya capensis 'Midnight Candy' (also called Night Phlox)
'Midnight Candy'
Herbaceous half-hardy annual grown for white flowers which are scented at night. Easy to grow from seed and useful for summer borders and containers. Flowers for the whole summer, until the first frosts. Reputedly drought tolerant.
A lot of people rave about the scent of Zaluzianskya capensis. To me, it is reminiscent of marzipan, which I can't stand, but if you like sweet almondy smells you will no doubt enjoy the fragrance. Personally, I prefer the rich, peppery scent of Night-scented stocks (Matthiola bicornis).
Attractive to bees, butterflies and moths.
Flowers in summer.
Habit - forms a rather floppy mound. H: 30cm S: 40cm.
Stems - rounded, pale to mid-green, slightly lax. Stems are covered in short fine hairs.
Leaves - lance-shaped, mid-green, with each leaf having two or three 'teeth' projecting from each leaf edge.
Flowers - simple, open, salver shaped, with a long flower tube, The five divided petals are white above and pink/purple beneath. The unopened flower buds look like match heads.
Full sun to partial shade.
Grows well in most reasonably fertile soils.
Half hardy - will die off over winter.
If grown as an annual, you don't really need to do anything except give water and an occasional feed.
Collect seed from dried seed heads at the end of the season and replant in spring.
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