Lysichiton americanus (also called skunk cabbage)
Hardy rhizomatous herbaceous perennial, originating in America. Grown for bright yellow spathes which appear in spring. A good plant for stream and pond edges bog gardens or moist ground.
The name comes from the smell of the flower, which is attractive to pollinating insects and is said to be like a combination of skunk, carrion and garlic.
Flowers in spring.
Habit - upright, clump-forming. H&S: 1m
Leaves - bright green, oval, up to 1.2m long.
Flowers - up to 40cm high, the yellow flowers are actually 'spathes' and are the sheath-like covering of the inner, cigar-shaped, spadix, which bears the small green flowers.
Sun to partial shade. May not flower in full shade.
Fertile and moist. Does well at pond and stream edges.
Fully hardy in the UK.
Little needed, except to lift and divide when necessary. Generally free of pests and diseases.
By seed, sown into wet soil in spring or summer. By rhizome division when plant is dormant. In both cases, it may take five to six years before the plant flowers.
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